A custom partial denture may be the best option if you have missing teeth or need teeth removed.
If you have missing teeth, it is likely something that you would like to resolve for aesthetic and confidence reasons, as well as to be able to properly chew your meals. At Dental Oasis of Clayton, we offer several restorative options and take the time to discuss which are viable choices for your situation, so you can make an informed decision. One of the misconceptions that we often deal with is the belief that dentures are only an option if you have all of your remaining teeth extracted. The reality is that we can create a custom partial denture that often does not require other teeth to be removed.
If it is determined that your teeth have shifted and something else has to be done to accommodate a custom partial denture, we will discuss that beforehand so you know exactly what to expect. We also go over all costs upfront whether you have dental insurance or are interested in our office membership plan as a self-pay patient. We are an in-network provider with most insurance plans.
If you are considering us as your dental services provider for a custom partial denture or other dental services, you should know that it is not by accident that we won the “Neighborhood Favorite” award in Clayton, North Carolina. We are dedicated to personalized attention and making every patient feel comfortable.
Our spa-like environment and friendly staff will put you at ease as we discuss your custom partial denture and move on to the process of getting it done for you. We’ll make you feel like you’ve reached an oasis in a desert filled with dental offices that don’t do what we do, such as provide you with a blanket, neck wrap, warm face cloth, Netflix and Pandora streaming, and other options to ease your anxiety.
Contact us today to learn more about our dental services and to find out if a custom partial denture is a good option for your situation. We open early 3 days a week and stay open a bit later 2 evenings a week so you can fit an appointment into your busy schedule.
At Dental Oasis of Clayton, we provide custom partial dentures for patients from Clayton, Garner, Smithfield, Cary, Morrisville, and Johnston County, North Carolina.